A dental bridge is a restoration of connected crowns used to replace missing teeth. Bridges, for the most part, are permanently fixed restorations cemented over your supporting teeth. As an alternative, some bridges can be removable. Fixed permanent bridges are more stable and comfortable and act more like your own natural teeth. But, removable bridges can be taken out and cleaned periodically.
While we primarily see teeth as a sign of beauty, teeth also play a major role in chewing food for proper digestion, your speech and phonetics, and the reduction of gum disease associated with missing teeth. Missing teeth severely compromise oral function and bridges help to reinforce the surrounding teeth. If you are missing several teeth, a dental bridge may be the best option for you.
Give Dr. Layliev a call at 212.288.4455 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation for dental bridges at our dental office in New York City. Dr. Layliev can answer all your questions regarding dental bridges and provide you with several options for missing teeth. Our patients are our priority at the New York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry and we are more than happy to put the smile back in our patients’ lives.
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